MAS Quality, Inc.

The Aerospace Standards

The aerospace industry requires that all elements of production and supply
chain operate to levels of quality and performance that assure safe and
reliable products. The Americas Aerospace Quality Group (AAQG) in cooperation
with many aerospace companies developed specific requirements for quality
systems that are to be implemented and maintained by the complete production
and supply chain in the manufacture of products used in aviation and space

Training is available for the aerospace standards
from MASQI.


AS9100 includes ASQ9001:2000 quality system requirements and specifies
additional requirements for the quality system of the aerospace industry.

Examples of common and unique aerospace requirements found in AS9000/AS9100 are

  • Identification and Control of Key Characteristics
  • Stamp Control
  • Foreign Object Detection (FOD)
  • Requirements Flow Down
  • Tooling Control
  • Customer and Regulatory Agency Involvement and Approval

AS9101A Quality System Assessment

The checklist corresponding to AS9100 Revision A.

AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement

Established the requirements for First Article Inspection. The purpose of
First Article Inspection is to provide objective evidence that all engineering
design and specification requirements are properly understood, accounted for,
verified, and documented.

AS9103 Variation Management of Key Characteristics

Established variation management requirements for Key Characteristics. This
standard also specifies general requirements and provides a process to achieve
those requirements.


This standard includes ISO 9001:2000 quality management system requirements
and specifies additional requirements for a quality management system for the
aerospace industry applicable to stockist distributors.

AS9131 Quality Systems Non-Conformance Documentation

This document defines to supplier/subcontractor common information and
documentation required to inform customers, when applicable about nonconformity
(Customer-provider use).